No. Buying an individual theme you will only pay for it once. You will never be re-billed. Recurring billing only applies to those who sign up to become a Club member, which gives an access to all our themes.
Your single theme license will never expire, nor you will have to make any recurring payments.
No. If you have bought only an individual theme, then you are not a subscriber and will not need to cancel your subscription. You will have a lifetime access to your theme and our forums.
The developer license does include a PSD, but not the single user license.
Our themes may be used by our customers on as many websites as they like.
Our membership options will fit almost every possible need. Individuals or owners of a small business should opt for the regular User Club. The best option for web developers and web designers providing web development services is a Developer Wordpress Themes Club membership.
Normally we release one template per month, but sometimes extra bonus templates are relesed as an additional benefit for our members.
Unfortunately, our merchant doesn`t allow you (as the customer) to stop the recurring billing on your account, as only we (as the account holder) have permission to do that. Therefore, we require you to e-mail us prior to the expiry of your subscription if you do not want to renew it.
Our system will automatically send you a reminder 7 days before the expiry of your subscription.
Yes, when you cancel your subscription you will still have access to the support forum & other support resources.
No, you will need to contact us so we can manually add the individual update of your request.
No, according to the Terms of Service NattyWP club accounts are non-transferable.
All our themes support gettext translation and contain .po and .mo files prepared for you to translate. By translating these files you can easily translate each line of your theme.
We update our themes as soon as a bug is discovered or there is a new feature that can be added. The latest version number can be found on the theme documentation page.
Every theme package is supplied with a changelog.txt which includes all the changes for each version. If you haven?t introduced any modifications to your theme files, then you can overwrite your old version. If the modifications to your theme have been made, you will have to study the changelog to see which files need updating.
Yes, most plugins should work with our themes, HOWEVER we can`t guarantee it. There are some plugins using Javascript libraries that may conflict with the libraries used in the themes, and this can which will impede functioning of our themes. There are thousands of plugins available and unfortunately we can`t test each of them with our themes.